15 March 2016

Andrei+Adina / After Wedding

IMG_9825"You're the fastest of the fish
 You're the prickliest pear
 You're a chameleon in the night 
You're the sahara's sun glare 
You're my mind's rest
 You're the strings on my guitar
 You're the wax in my moustache 
The keys to my car...."IMG_9830 3 IMG_9849 IMG_9870 IMG_9874 2 IMG_9914 IMG_9935 IMG_9947 IMG_9957 IMG_9964 IMG_0053 IMG_0094 IMG_0106 IMG_0117 IMG_0121 IMG_0143 IMG_0152 IMG_0179 IMG_0205 IMG_0217

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